Across the country, the week of November 21 to December 1 marks Canadian HIV/AIDS Awareness Week. It’s an occasion to raise awareness surrounding HIV/AIDS issues nationally and culminates in the international observance of World AIDS Day on December 1st of each year – a day dedicated to increasing awareness of HIV/AIDS issues worldwide as we support the UNAIDS visionary goal to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030.
World AIDS Day 2019: Local events
British Columbia
Prince George
World AIDS Day Candlelight Vigil and Dinner
Fire Pit Cultural Drop-In Centre (1120 3rd Ave)
Monday, December 2nd
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm (PST)
ARCH World AIDS Day Vigil & Brunch
10 C Shared Space (42 Carden St)
Sunday, December 1st
10:00 am – 2:00 pm (EST)
Nova Scotia
World AIDS Day Vigil
Italian Cultural Centre (2629 Agricola St)
Sunday, December 1st
2:00 pm (AST)
Find out more about local testing | Learn about what HIV testing is | Learn about your local HIV Organization
Yet there are 7 new infections in Canada every day. Get tested today.
Find testing and counselling services
To search for services, such as testing or counselling, in a specific location you can use
Through this website, developed by numerous agencies,* you’ll be able to simply enter a Canadian city/town or postal code in the location search bar and click GO.
Then select one or more of the types of services you would like to see – and these will appear on a map.
Click on any icon for more detailed information.
* is an information service nationally managed by CATIE and in partnership with an advisory board consisting of the AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT), Casey House, Hemophilia Ontario, LOFT Community Services, the Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN), the Toronto HIV/AIDS Network, and the Toronto People with AIDS Foundation (PWA).
Testing Sites in Quebec (care of Portail VIH/sida du Quebec):
HIV and STI screening sites in community settings, in private clinics and in the health network, for all regions of Quebec.
Previous World AIDS Day Campaigns:
These impactful awareness campaigns contributed to reducing the percent people living with HIV who are unaware of their infection from 26% in 2009 to 21% in 2014 (more recent statistics are not available at this time). Click the image to download the PDF.