Welcome to our membership list. The table below lists all of our member community-based organizations (CBO) with links to their websites and social media presences.
If you would like instructions on how to find information in the table, please click here, or scroll to the bottom of the page.
You can find your nearest location for HIV and HCV testing by going to hiv411.ca – thanks to CAS national partner CATIE.
You can also assess your risk and find your nearest testing location in Quebec by downloading the Sexposer app for Android or iPhone (in English and French) – thanks to CAS member organization Portail VIH.
Finally, you can also find out about treatment options from our national partner CTAC’s Treatment Map (TxMAP). This new map is a comprehensive online tool that allows community members, service providers, and policy researchers to access information about HIV and hepatitis C treatments available through provincial, territorial, and federal public drug plans in Canada.
Member Name | Social | Region | Services |
P.E.E.R.S. ALLIANCE (previously AIDS PEI) | Facebook | Atlantic (NB, NL, NS, PE) | Communities Served: Rural, Sex workers, Trans*, Gay men and MSM, People who use drugs, Women, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Health Care Support and Programs, Social & Income Support Programs, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, HIV and/or STI Testing, HIV Prevention Programs, Family Support Services, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Languages offered: English, |
Healing Our Nations | Facebook | Atlantic (NB, NL, NS, PE) | Communities Served: Prisons, Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Women, Trans*, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Newsletter, HIV Prevention Programs, Family Support Services, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Languages offered: English, |
AIDS New Brunswick Inc. | Facebook YouTube | Atlantic (NB, NL, NS, PE) | Communities Served: Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Women, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, HIV and/or STI Testing, HIV Prevention Programs, Legal Clinic, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Languages offered: English, French, |
Labrador Friendship Centre (HIV/AIDS Labrador Project) | Facebook | Atlantic (NB, NL, NS, PE) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Prisons, Youth (under 18 yrs), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Aboriginal, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Women, Services Offered: Education and Preventions, HIV Prevention Programs, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Languages offered: English, |
AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia | Facebook | Atlantic (NB, NL, NS, PE) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Women, Trans*, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Education and Preventions, Newsletter, Community-Based Research, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Public Policy Development, Bereavement and Loss Services, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Languages offered: English, |
Mainline Needle Exchange | Facebook | Atlantic (NB, NL, NS, PE) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Women, Aboriginal, Rural, Sex workers, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Education and Preventions, Health Care Support and Programs, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Social & Income Support Programs, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Languages offered: English, |
Ensemble GM (formerly AIDS Moncton) | Facebook | Atlantic (NB, NL, NS, PE) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Prisons, Rural, Sex workers, Youth (under 18 yrs), Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, HIV Prevention Programs, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Newsletter, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Languages offered: English, French, |
AIDS Committee of Newfoundland and Labrador | Facebook | Atlantic (NB, NL, NS, PE) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), People who use drugs, Prisons, Rural, Sex workers, Youth (under 18 yrs), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Trans*, Homeless, Refugees, Newcomers, Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Women, Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Pre- and Post-test Counselling, Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, HIV Prevention Programs, Family Support Services, Bereavement and Loss Services, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Counselling and Referral Services, Health Care Support and Programs, Community-Based Research, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Counselling and Referral Services, Pre- and Post-test Counselling for .. (specify), Languages offered: English, |
The Ally Centre of Cape Breton | Facebook | Atlantic (NB, NL, NS, PE) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Aboriginal, Rural, Youth (under 18 yrs), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Sex workers, Women, Trans*, Homeless, Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, HIV and/or STI Testing, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Counselling and Referral Services, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Health Care Support and Programs, Community-Based Research, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Pre- and Post-test Counselling for .. (specify), Languages offered: English, |
Northern Healthy Connections Society | Facebook | Atlantic (NB, NL, NS, PE) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Prisons, Women, Trans*, Rural, Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Sex workers, Youth (under 18 yrs), Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Counselling and Referral Services, Health Care Support and Programs, Social & Income Support Programs, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Newsletter, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Library/Resource Centre, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Languages offered: English, |
The Gilbert Centre for Social and Support Services | Facebook YouTube | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Women, Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Trans*, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Community-Based Research, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Family Support Services, Bereavement and Loss Services, Languages offered: English, French, |
Moyo Health and Community Services (formerly Peel HIV/AIDS Network) | Facebook YouTube | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: People who use drugs, Gay men and MSM, Women, Sex workers, Trans*, Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Social & Income Support Programs, Counselling and Referral Services, Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Newsletter, Languages offered: English, |
HIV/AIDS Resources & Community Health (ARCH) | Facebook | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Women, Trans*, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Newsletter, HIV and/or STI Testing, Community-Based Research, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Family Support Services, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Transportation Assistance, Languages offered: English, |
Good Shepherd - Community AIDS Initiative | Facebook YouTube | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Women, Trans*, People with disabilities, Homeless, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Social & Income Support Programs, Newsletter, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Family Support Services, Transportation Assistance, Palliative Care Services, Languages offered: English, |
HIV/AIDS Regional Services | Facebook YouTube | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Prisons, Rural, Sex workers, Women, Trans*, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Homeless, Newcomers, Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Counselling and Referral Services, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Health Care Support and Programs, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Newsletter, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Family Support Services, Library/Resource Centre, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Community-Based Research, Bereavement and Loss Services, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Transportation Assistance, Childcare, Complementary Therapies, Pet-related support for individuals living withHIV, Languages offered: English, |
AIDS Committee of Durham Region | Facebook | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Women, People who use drugs, Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Rural, Youth (under 18 yrs), Newcomers, Services Offered: Food, Housing and Financial Support, Social & Income Support Programs, Newsletter, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Counselling and Referral Services, International HIV/AIDS Twinning Program, Program Evaluations, Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Health Care Support and Programs, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Transportation Assistance, Complementary Therapies, Languages offered: English, Spanish, |
Canadian Association for HIV Research (CAHR) | Facebook YouTube | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Refugees, Gay men and MSM, Women, Aboriginal, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Prisons, Rural, Sex workers, Trans*, People with disabilities, Homeless, Services Offered: Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Newsletter, HIV Prevention Programs, Public Policy Development, Advocacy, Program Evaluations, Health Care Support and Programs, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Tuberculosis (TB) Prevention/Awareness, Community-Based Research, Languages offered: English, French, |
Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association | Facebook | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Rural, Youth (under 18 yrs), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Women, Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Services Offered: Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Public Policy Development, Bereavement and Loss Services, Counselling and Referral Services, Family Support Services, Advocacy, Palliative Care Services, Newsletter, Languages offered: English, French, |
Canadian Public Health Association | Facebook YouTube | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Prisons, Sex workers, Youth (under 18 yrs), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Homeless, Refugees, Newcomers, Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Women, Trans*, Services Offered: Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Newsletter, HIV Prevention Programs, Family Support Services, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Tuberculosis (TB) Prevention/Awareness, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Advocacy, Languages offered: English, French, |
Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development | Facebook YouTube | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Women, Aboriginal, People with disabilities, Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Prisons, Rural, Sex workers, Youth (under 18 yrs), Seniors, Trans*, Refugees, Newcomers, Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Newsletter, International HIV/AIDS Twinning Program, HIV Prevention Programs, Public Policy Development, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Tuberculosis (TB) Prevention/Awareness, Languages offered: English, French, |
Oasis - Sandy Hill Community Health Centre | Facebook YouTube | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Sex workers, Women, Trans*, Homeless, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Health Care Support and Programs, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Community-Based Research, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Family Support Services, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Languages offered: English, French, |
Positive Living Niagara | Facebook YouTube | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Women, Trans*, Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Community-Based Research, Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Newsletter, HIV and/or STI Testing, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Family Support Services, Legal Clinic, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Languages offered: English, French, |
Africans in Partnership Against AIDS | Facebook YouTube | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Women, Trans*, Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (under 18 yrs), Seniors, Refugees, Newcomers, Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Social & Income Support Programs, Newsletter, Community-Based Research, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, HIV Prevention Programs, Family Support Services, Interpretation and Translation Services, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Tuberculosis (TB) Prevention/Awareness, Counselling and Referral Services, Pre- and Post-test Counselling for .. (specify), Transportation Assistance, Childcare, Languages offered: English, French, Arabic, Other languages - List as needed, Interpretation for other languages, |
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network | Facebook YouTube | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Refugees, Newcomers, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Prisons, Rural, Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Sex workers, Women, Trans*, Services Offered: Legal Clinic, Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Public Policy Development, Counselling and Referral Services, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Community-Based Research, Languages offered: English, French, Russian, |
realize (formerly CWGHR) | Facebook YouTube | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Women, People with disabilities, Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Seniors, Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Newsletter, HIV Prevention Programs, Public Policy Development, Bereavement and Loss Services, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Health Care Support and Programs, Library/Resource Centre, Counselling and Referral Services, Social & Income Support Programs, Languages offered: English, French, |
Casey House | Facebook YouTube | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Aboriginal, Ethnocultural, Prisons, Sex workers, Seniors, Trans*, People with disabilities, Homeless, Refugees, Newcomers, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Women, Gay men and MSM, People who use drugs, Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Counselling and Referral Services, Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Health Care Support and Programs, Palliative Care Services, Community-Based Research, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Childcare, Registered Massage Therapy, Respite Care, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Transportation Assistance, Complementary Therapies, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Program Evaluations, HIV Prevention Programs, Family Support Services, Bereavement and Loss Services, Languages offered: English, Interpretation for other languages, |
CATIE | Facebook YouTube | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Refugees, Newcomers, Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Women, Aboriginal, People who use drugs, Prisons, Rural, Sex workers, Trans*, Services Offered: Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Newsletter, HIV Prevention Programs, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Public Policy Development, Counselling and Referral Services, Languages offered: English, French, |
CTAC | Facebook YouTube | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Gay men and MSM, Rural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Newcomers, Women, Aboriginal, People who use drugs, Prisons, Trans*, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Newsletter, Community-Based Research, Health Care Support and Programs, HIV Prevention Programs, Public Policy Development, Counselling and Referral Services, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Treatment/drug plan - specific information, Languages offered: English, French, |
AIDS Network | Facebook | Ontario (ON): Hamilton, Halton, Haldimand, Norfolk and Brant | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Gay men and MSM, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Newcomers, Women, People who use drugs, Trans*, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Newsletter, Health Care Support and Programs, HIV Prevention Programs, HIV and/or STI Testing, Needle Exchange Languages offered: English |
Pozitive Pathways Community Services | Facebook | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), People who use drugs, Sex workers, Ethnocultural, Gay men and MSM, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Newcomers, Women, Trans* Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Housing and Financial Support, Transportation Assistance, Food, Health Care Support and Programs, HIV Prevention Programs, HIV and/or STI Testing, Needle Exchange Languages offered: English |
Fife House Foundation | Facebook YouTube | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, People who use drugs, Women, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: HIV Prevention Programs, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Counselling and Referral Services, Registered Massage Therapy, Dental Hygienists, Advocacy, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Community-Based Research, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Hair cuts, Languages offered: English, |
HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario (HALCO) | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Aboriginal, Ethnocultural, Prisons, Rural, Youth (under 18 yrs), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, People with disabilities, Deaf Community, Refugees, Newcomers, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Sex workers, Homeless, Gay men and MSM, Women, Trans*, Services Offered: Library/Resource Centre, Counselling and Referral Services, Advocacy, Newsletter, Legal Clinic, Public Policy Development, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Community-Based Research, Interpretation and Translation Services, Languages offered: English, French, Interpretation for other languages, |
People to People Aid Organization Canada | Facebook YouTube | Ontario (ON) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Youth (under 18 yrs), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Newcomers, Women, Services Offered: Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Social & Income Support Programs, HIV Prevention Programs, Family Support Services, Childcare, Education and Preventions, International HIV/AIDS Twinning Program, Languages offered: English, Interpretation for other languages, |
ANKORS (AIDS Network Kootenay Outreach and Support Society) - East Kootenay Boundary (Cranbrook) | Facebook | Pacific (BC, YT) | Communities Served: Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Rural, Women, Trans*, Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Counselling and Referral Services, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Health Care Support and Programs, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Newsletter, Rave Safe Program, Community-Based Research, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Family Support Services, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Languages offered: English, |
ASK Wellness Centre | Facebook YouTube | Pacific (BC, YT) | Communities Served: Women, People who use drugs, Sex workers, People with disabilities, Homeless, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Newsletter, HIV and/or STI Testing, Community-Based Research, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Family Support Services, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Transportation Assistance, Social & Income Support Programs, Languages offered: English, |
Living Positive Resource Centre, Kelowna | Facebook | Pacific (BC, YT) | Communities Served: People who use drugs, Trans*, People with disabilities, Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Women, Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Languages offered: English, |
ANKORS (AIDS Network Kootenay Outreach and Support Society) - West Kootenay Boundary (Nelson) | Facebook | Pacific (BC, YT) | Communities Served: Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Rural, Women, Trans*, Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Health Care Support and Programs, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Newsletter, Rave Safe Program, Community-Based Research, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Family Support Services, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Languages offered: English, |
Positive Living North: No Khēyoh t'sih'en t'sehena Society | Facebook | Pacific (BC, YT) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Homeless, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Rural, Trans*, Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Women, Services Offered: Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Bereavement and Loss Services, Transportation Assistance, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Counselling and Referral Services, Languages offered: English, |
Afro-Canadian Positive Network Of BC | Facebook | Pacific (BC, YT) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Women, Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (under 18 yrs), Seniors, Trans*, Refugees, Newcomers, Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Interpretation and Translation Services, Health Care Support and Programs, HIV Prevention Programs, Family Support Services, Counselling and Referral Services, Languages offered: English, Interpretation for other languages, |
Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network | Facebook | Pacific (BC, YT) | Communities Served: Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Rural, Women, Seniors, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Prisons, Homeless, Aboriginal, Trans*, Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Newsletter, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Family Support Services, Library/Resource Centre, Health Care Support and Programs, Social & Income Support Programs, Public Policy Development, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Tuberculosis (TB) Prevention/Awareness, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Counselling and Referral Services, Languages offered: English, French, Interpretation for other languages, |
Canadian Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (CANAC) | Facebook | Pacific (BC, YT) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Aboriginal, Ethnocultural, Rural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, People who use drugs, Gay men and MSM, Women, Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Newsletter, Public Policy Development, Counselling and Referral Services, Languages offered: English, French, |
CIHR Canadian HIV Trials Network | Facebook YouTube | Pacific (BC, YT) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Aboriginal, People who use drugs, Gay men and MSM, Women, Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Program Evaluations, HIV Prevention Programs, Community-Based Research, Counselling and Referral Services, Languages offered: English, French, |
Disability Alliance BC Society | Facebook YouTube | Pacific (BC, YT) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Women, People with disabilities, Ethnocultural, Services Offered: Counselling and Referral Services, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Newsletter, Social & Income Support Programs, Services or programs for the hearing impaired, Services or programs for the visually impaired, Languages offered: English, |
Positive Living Society of British Columbia | Facebook YouTube | Pacific (BC, YT) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Newcomers, Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Prisons, Women, Trans*, Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Newsletter, Community-Based Research, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Legal Clinic, Public Policy Development, Hair cuts, Complementary Therapies, Languages offered: English, |
The BC Compassion Club Society | Facebook | Pacific (BC, YT) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Trans*, People who use drugs, Rural, Women, Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Ethnocultural, Services Offered: Counselling and Referral Services, Education and Preventions, HIV Prevention Programs, Health Care Support and Programs, Advocacy, Newsletter, Community-Based Research, Complementary Therapies, Languages offered: English, |
AIDS Vancouver | Facebook YouTube | Pacific (BC, YT) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Women, Trans*, Ethnocultural, Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Newsletter, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Program Evaluations, Community-Based Research, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, International HIV/AIDS Twinning Program, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Bereavement and Loss Services, Languages offered: English, |
WINGS Housing Society | Pacific (BC, YT) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Gay men and MSM, Women, Services Offered: Health Care Support and Programs, HIV Prevention Programs, Counselling and Referral Services, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Languages offered: English, |
YouthCO HIV & Hepatitis C Society of BC | Facebook YouTube | Pacific (BC, YT) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, People who use drugs, Youth (under 18 yrs), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Trans*, Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Women, Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Languages offered: English, |
AIDS Vancouver Island - Central, South and North Island Health Areas | Facebook YouTube | Pacific (BC, YT) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Women, Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Prisons, Rural, Trans*, Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Tuberculosis (TB) Prevention/Awareness, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Counselling and Referral Services, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Newsletter, Community-Based Research, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Family Support Services, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Languages offered: English, |
Vancouver Island Persons Living with HIV/AIDS Society | Facebook YouTube | Pacific (BC, YT) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Sex workers, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Aboriginal, Trans*, Gay men and MSM, Women, Seniors, Ethnocultural, Services Offered: Food, Housing and Financial Support, Social & Income Support Programs, Counselling and Referral Services, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Newsletter, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Languages offered: English, |
Boys and Girls Club of Williams Lake & District | Facebook YouTube | Pacific (BC, YT) | Communities Served: Hepatitis C (co-infected), Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Gay men and MSM, Youth (under 18 yrs), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Newcomers, Services Offered: Family Support Services, Social & Income Support Programs, Counselling and Referral Services, Childcare, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Languages offered: English, |
HIV Community Link Society | Facebook YouTube | Prairies (MB, SK, AB, NW) | Communities Served: Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Sex workers, Women, Trans*, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Newsletter, Community-Based Research, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Legal Clinic, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Languages offered: English, |
The S.H.A.R.P Foundation (Society Housing AIDS Restricted Persons) | Facebook YouTube | Prairies (MB, SK, AB, NW) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Women, People who use drugs, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Services Offered: Education and Preventions, HIV Prevention Programs, Counselling and Referral Services, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Palliative Care Services, Community-Based Research, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Languages offered: English, |
Alberta Community Council on HIV | Facebook YouTube | Prairies (MB, SK, AB, NW) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Women, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Advocacy, Library/Resource Centre, Program Evaluations, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Community-Based Research, HIV Prevention Programs, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Languages offered: English, |
HIV Network of Edmonton Society | Facebook YouTube | Prairies (MB, SK, AB, NW) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Women, People who use drugs, Trans*, Aboriginal, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Ethnocultural, Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Newsletter, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Languages offered: English, |
Living Positive through Positive Living Society of Alberta | Facebook | Prairies (MB, SK, AB, NW) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Women, Trans*, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Newsletter, Health Care Support and Programs, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Counselling and Referral Services, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Languages offered: English, |
Northreach Society | Facebook YouTube | Prairies (MB, SK, AB, NW) | Communities Served: Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Sex workers, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Ethnocultural, Services Offered: Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Newsletter, HIV and/or STI Testing, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Counselling and Referral Services, Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Languages offered: English, |
HIV West Yellowhead Society | Facebook YouTube | Prairies (MB, SK, AB, NW) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Women, Trans*, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Aboriginal, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Newsletter, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Counselling and Referral Services, Pre- and Post-test Counselling, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, HIV and/or STI Testing, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Transportation Assistance, Languages offered: English, |
ARCHES Lethbridge | Facebook | Prairies (MB, SK, AB, NW) | Communities Served: Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Rural, Sex workers, Women, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Social & Income Support Programs, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Newsletter, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Family Support Services, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Counselling and Referral Services, Languages offered: English, |
Turning Point Society of Central Alberta | Facebook | Prairies (MB, SK, AB, NW) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Rural, Sex workers, Women, Trans*, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Aboriginal, Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, HIV Prevention Programs, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Counselling and Referral Services, Languages offered: English, |
Shining Mountains Living Community Services | Facebook YouTube | Prairies (MB, SK, AB, NW) | Communities Served: Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Rural, Women, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Services Offered: Food, Housing and Financial Support, Social & Income Support Programs, Program Evaluations, Community-Based Research, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Education and Preventions, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Tuberculosis (TB) Prevention/Awareness, Counselling and Referral Services, Languages offered: English, Interpretation for other languages, |
AIDS Programs South Saskatchewan | Facebook YouTube | Prairies (MB, SK, AB, NW) | Communities Served: Aboriginal, People who use drugs, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Prisons, Rural, Sex workers, Women, Trans*, Services Offered: Counselling and Referral Services, Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Newsletter, HIV and/or STI Testing, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Languages offered: English, Interpretation for other languages, |
All Nations Hope Network | Facebook | Prairies (MB, SK, AB, NW) | Communities Served: Women, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), People who use drugs, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Aboriginal, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Newsletter, Community-Based Research, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Family Support Services, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Counselling and Referral Services, Languages offered: English, Interpretation for other languages, |
Saskatchewan HIV/HCV Nursing Education Organization | Facebook | Prairies (MB, SK, AB, NW) | Communities Served: Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Women, Trans*, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Ethnocultural, Rural, Sex workers, Seniors, Refugees, Newcomers, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Community-Based Research, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Health Care Support and Programs, HIV Prevention Programs, Counselling and Referral Services, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Palliative Care Services, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Treatment/drug plan - specific information, Languages offered: English, |
Carmichael Outreach | Facebook | Prairies (MB, SK, AB, NW) | Communities Served: Homeless, People who use drugs, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Aboriginal Services Offered: Food, Housing and Financial Support, Needle Exchange, Family Support Services, Healing Circle, Life Skills Classes Languages offered: English |
Prairie Harm Reduction | Facebook | Prairies (MB, SK, AB, NW) | Communities Served: Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Women, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Ethnocultural, Services Offered: Newsletter, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Family Support Services, Counselling and Referral Services, Languages offered: English, |
OUTSaskatoon Inc. | Facebook YouTube | Prairies (MB, SK, AB, NW) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Women, Trans*, Services Offered: HIV Prevention Programs, Counselling and Referral Services, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Newsletter, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Family Support Services, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Languages offered: English, |
Persons Living with AIDS Network of Saskatchewan | Facebook | Prairies (MB, SK, AB, NW) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Sex workers, Women, Trans*, Homeless, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Aboriginal, Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Advocacy, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Family Support Services, Languages offered: English, |
Nine Circles Community Health Centre | Facebook YouTube | Prairies (MB, SK, AB, NW) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Ethnocultural, Gay men and MSM, People who use drugs, Women, Seniors, Aboriginal, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Prisons, Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Newsletter, HIV and/or STI Testing, Community-Based Research, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Family Support Services, Legal Clinic, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Languages offered: English, |
Sexuality Education Resource Centre Manitoba | Facebook YouTube | Prairies (MB, SK, AB, NW) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Aboriginal, Gay men and MSM, Women, Trans*, People with disabilities, Services Offered: HIV Prevention Programs, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Counselling and Referral Services, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Newsletter, Languages offered: English, |
Bureau Régional d’Action sida (Outaouais) | Facebook | Quebec (QC, NU) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Prisons, Rural, Sex workers, Women, Trans*, Services Offered: Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Social & Income Support Programs, Newsletter, HIV Prevention Programs, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Counselling and Referral Services, Advocacy, Languages offered: English, French, |
Sphère | Facebook | Quebec (QC, NU) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Prisons, Sex workers, Women, Ethnocultural, Services Offered: Counselling and Referral Services, Education and Preventions, Social & Income Support Programs, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Languages offered: French, |
AIDS Community Care Montréal | Facebook YouTube | Quebec (QC, NU) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Women, Ethnocultural, People who use drugs, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Trans*, Services Offered: Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Newsletter, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Languages offered: English, French, |
Centre for AIDS Services of Montreal - Women | Facebook | Quebec (QC, NU) | Communities Served: Women, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Refugees, Newcomers, Homeless, Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Childcare, Languages offered: English, French, |
Coalition sida des sourds du Québec | Facebook YouTube | Quebec (QC, NU) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Women, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Deaf Community, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, People with disabilities, Youth (under 18 yrs), Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Community-Based Research, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Other STI Prevention/Awareness, HIV Prevention Programs, Counselling and Referral Services, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Social & Income Support Programs, Newsletter, Family Support Services, Services or programs for the hearing impaired, Languages offered: English, French, Interpretation for other languages, |
Groupe d'action pour la prévention de la transmission du VIH et l'éradication du sida (GAPVIES) | Facebook | Quebec (QC, NU) | Communities Served: Women, People with disabilities, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Refugees, Newcomers, Services Offered: Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Legal Clinic, Bereavement and Loss Services, Counselling and Referral Services, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Health Care Support and Programs, Social & Income Support Programs, HIV and/or STI Testing, Program Evaluations, Community-Based Research, Languages offered: French, |
Maison Plein Coeur | Facebook | Quebec (QC, NU) | Communities Served: Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Trans*, Gay men and MSM, Women, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Ethnocultural, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Newcomers, Services Offered: Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Health Care Support and Programs, Community-Based Research, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Family Support Services, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Transportation Assistance, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Registered Massage Therapy, Counselling and Referral Services, Languages offered: English, French, |
Portail VIH/sida du Québec | Facebook YouTube | Quebec (QC, NU) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Rural, Women, Trans*, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Ethnocultural, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Services Offered: Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Community-Based Research, HIV Prevention Programs, Public Policy Development, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Counselling and Referral Services, Languages offered: French, |
RÉZO health and well-being of gay and bisexual, cis and trans men | Facebook | Quebec (QC, NU) | Communities Served: People who use drugs, Trans*, Gay men and MSM, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Hepatitis C (co-infected), Ethnocultural, Sex workers, Services Offered: Education and Preventions, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, HIV and/or STI Testing, Community-Based Research, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, HIV Prevention Programs, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Languages offered: French, English, Spanish, |
Stella, l'amie de Maimie | Twitter | Quebec (QC, NU) | Communities Served: Hepatitis C (co-infected), Prisons, Sex workers, Women, Trans*, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), People who use drugs, Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, Newsletter, HIV and/or STI Testing, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, HIV Prevention Programs, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Counselling and Referral Services, Advocacy, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Languages offered: French, |
Centre des R.O.S.É.S. de l'Abitibi - Témiscamingue | Facebook | Quebec (QC, NU) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Women, Aboriginal, Rural, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Social & Income Support Programs, Newsletter, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Family Support Services, Health Care Support and Programs, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Transportation Assistance, Languages offered: French, |
Centre sida amitié | Facebook YouTube | Quebec (QC, NU) | Communities Served: Ethno cultural, Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Sex workers, Women, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Seniors, Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Social & Income Support Programs, Newsletter, HIV and/or STI Testing, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Bereavement and Loss Services, Languages offered: French, |
L' A.R.C.H.E de l' Estrie | Facebook | Quebec (QC, NU) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Prisons, Rural, Sex workers, Women, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Ethnocultural, Newcomers, Services Offered: Advocacy, Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Health Care Support and Programs, Social & Income Support Programs, Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, Family Support Services, Bereavement and Loss Services, Languages offered: French, |
Tandem Mauricie | Facebook YouTube | Quebec (QC, NU) | Communities Served: Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), People who use drugs, Prisons, Rural, Sex workers, Women, Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Youth (18 yrs - 29 yrs), Services Offered: Education and Preventions, Library/Resource Centre, Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange, HIV and/or STI Testing, Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention Programs, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Registered Massage Therapy, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Volunteers/Volunteer Development, Food, Housing and Financial Support, Languages offered: French, |
Maison Re-Né | Facebook | Quebec (QC, NU) | Communities Served: Default - HIV/AIDS infected and affected (for all), Gay men and MSM, Hepatitis C (co-infected), Rural, Women, Services Offered: Food, Housing and Financial Support, HIV Prevention Programs, Transportation Assistance, Respite Care, Hospice, Other STI Prevention/Awareness, Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI), Counselling and Referral Services, Education and Preventions, Languages offered: French, |
How to find information in the membership table
To find all services in a specific region, type the name of the region into the search box located at the top of the table. Our regions are:
Atlantic (NB, NL, NS, PE) | Prairies (MB, SK, AB, NW) |
Ontario (ON) | Quebec (QC, NU) |
Pacific (BC, YT) |
To find all CBOs that offer a specific service, type the name of the service in the box located at the top of the table. Services our members offer are:
Advocacy | Family Support Services |
Education and Preventions | Legal Clinic |
Library/Resource Centre | Public Policy Development |
Volunteers/Volunteer Development | Bereavement and Loss Services |
Food, Housing and Financial Support | Other STI Prevention/Awareness |
Health Care Support and Programs | Hepatitis C: Blood-borne Infections (BBI) |
Social & Income Support Programs | Tuberculosis (TB) Prevention/Awareness |
Medical Equipment, Needle Exchange | Mental Health Awareness Programs & Services |
Newsletter | Counselling and Referral Services |
Rave Safe Program | Pre- and Post-test Counselling |
Palliative Care Services | Transportation Assistance |
HIV and/or STI Testing | Interpretation and Translation Services |
Program Evaluations | Childcare |
Community-Based Research | Registered Massage Therapy |
Street Outreach and Support for Shut-Ins | Respite Care |
International HIV/AIDS Twinning Program | Dental Hygienists |
Recreational and Social Programs for PLWHIV/AIDS | Hair cuts |
HIV Prevention Programs | Services or programs for the hearing impaired |
To find all services for a specific population or community group, type the name of the population in the box located at the top of the table. Populations served include:
Aboriginal | Sex workers |
Ethno cultural | Women |
Gay men and MSM | Youth |
Hepatitis C (co-infected) | Trans* |
People who use drugs | People with disabilities |
Prisons | Deaf Community |
Rural | Homeless |