All Blood is Equal

Denying your identity shouldn’t be a requirement to save someone’s life.

Every year, thousands of willing blood donors are turned away simply because of their sexuality. In Canada, men who have sex with men and trans women cannot donate blood unless they have been celibate for three months. It’s a damaging policy, especially now.

Canada is facing a critical shortage of donated blood. Yet, rather than screening potential donors through a scientific lens, blood agencies continue to use outdated, prejudiced policies, which target two-spirit, gay, bisexual and queer men, trans women, and men who have sex with men (2SGBTQ/MSM). It’s time for the ban to end. All Canadians deserve the right to contribute to our nation’s blood supply.

CAS has been on the forefront advocating for the end of the blood ban since its onset and we believe that a behavioural risk questionnaire should be implemented instead of excluding entire communities.

We hope you will join us and our community partners and lend your voice in support of the All Blood is Equal campaignLearn more and join by visiting

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