Based on an analysis of the results of the Survey on HIV/AIDS Education in Canadian Schools, 2008,1 produced by the Canadian AIDS Society, topic areas were identified for each grade level (K–3, 4–5, 6–8, 9–12) where HIV/AIDS curriculum should be targeted. Resources were then identified to meet these needs and compiled into a resource manual, with short fact sheets to fill resource gaps.
This Kindergarten to Grade 12 HIV/AIDS curriculum resource manual will be of use to educators and parents, as well as students. It will give educators access to resources to aid them in the development of HIV/AIDS curriculum for use in their classrooms, or more broadly, in their educational jurisdiction. For parents, it will serve as a resource manual that may be used to lobby their school boards to get them to implement an HIV/AIDS curriculum in their child’s school. Students may find some curriculum resources suitable for independent use, to supplement the education they are receiving from their educators and parents.
Download the resources: Knowledge is our best defence HIV curriculum resources