“Your commitment shows an unflagging determination to fight the spread of HIV/AIDS that has proven to be an invaluable resource in [this] ongoing struggle. In promoting greater communication within and among the different communities, you have ensured a better understanding of the disease and provided hope for those who must deal with it every day”– Jean Chrétien, Prime Minister (1997)
It is said that “Life is lived looking forward, but only understood looking back.”
The history of CAS and its member organizations is one of caring men and women across the country who mobilized to respond to a challenge and in the process created a movement.
The following timeline chronicles the progress that has been made over the years.
- First AIDS case in Canada, diagnosed (retrospectively) in Montreal.
- Canada’s National Task Force on AIDS formed.
- Initial discussions regarding the formation of a national AIDS organization occur
- First adult case of transfusion-related AIDS is reported
- 648 cumulative cases of AIDS diagnosed in Canada since 1979 (all statistics: Health Canada HIV/AIDS Surveillance Reports).
- 1st Canadian Conference on AIDS in Montreal which led to the formation of a steering group to create a national AIDS umbrella organization.
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during this year: 663
- 2nd Canadian Conference on AIDS in Toronto. Official founding of the Canadian AIDS Society/Société canadienne du sida (CAS) with 16 members:
- AIDS Calgary Awareness Association,
- AIDS Committee of London,
- AIDS Committee of Ottawa,
- AIDS Committee of Thunder Bay,
- AIDS Committee of Toronto,
- AIDS Committee of Windsor,
- AIDS Network of Edmonton,
- AIDS Regina,
- AIDS Saskatoon,
- AIDS Vancouver,
- AIDS Vancouver Island,
- Comité sida aide Montréal (C-SAM),
- Metro Area Committee on AIDS (Halifax),
- Newfoundland and Labrador AIDS Association,
- Winnepeg Gay Community Health Centre.
The Conference included the first formal General Meeting of CAS and the election of its first Board of Directors.
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during 1987: 1011
- WHO launches global AIDS strategy.
- 1st Canadian AIDS Walk organised in Vancouver by BCPWA.
- AZT approved in Canada
- CAS operates out of the AIDS Network of Edmonton Society with a volunteer secretariat.
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during this year: 1,204
- CAS becomes a federally-registered charity and moves to Ottawa, operating with three employees
- 3rd Canadian Conference on AIDS in Toronto organised by CAS, Canadian Public Health Association and Health and Welfare Canada/Federal Centre for AIDS.
- Key Publication: “Safer Sex Guidelines: A Resource Document for Educators and Counsellors” published by CAS. These were the first safe sex guidelines for Canada.
- Project: “Study on Parallel Services”.
- CAS defines its mission, goals and objectives through consultation with its 39 member organizations
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during this year: 1,443
- Project: “AIDS in the Workplace”
- Key Publication: “Working Together: Towards a National AIDS Strategy in Canada” published.
- Project: “AIDS and the Canadian Business Community”
- First national forum for people with HIV to meet and network is organised by CAS
- Project: “Homophobia, Heterosexism and AIDS”
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during the year: 1,514
- Release of the Federal Government’s National AIDS Strategy.
- CAS presents on the process for a National AIDS Strategy to the Parliamentary Ad-Hoc Committee on AIDS
- Board grows from nine members-at-large to five regional members, five regional PLWHIV/AIDS members and two members-at-large
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during the year: 1,605
- Red Ribbon adopted as the international symbol of AIDS awareness.
- AIDS Awareness Week Campaign was founded and run by CAS for ten years with AIDS: Our Challenge for Life as its first theme (1991-2001).
- Launched ACT NOW: Managing HIV and AIDS in the Workplace
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during the year: 1,854
- First combination therapy approved by FDA.
- Project: “Income Security for people living with HIV/AIDS” (1992-1995)
- CAS and its partners launch AIDS Treatment Information System (1992-1993).
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during the year: 1,953
- Workshops: “AIDS and Disabilities”. Joint national workshop held by CAS and the BC Coalition of Persons with Disabilities (1993-1994)
- Project: “Gay Men’s Demonstration Project” (1993-1994)
- Project: “Rural Outreach Project” (1993-1994)
- Project: “Men’s Survey Action Plan” (1993-1997)
- Cumulative total of Canadians living with HIV: 32,995 (annual data not available prior to 1994)
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during the year: 1,925
- Workshops: “Fundraising Skills Building for CAS members”
- Key Publication: Updated version of “Safer Sex Guidelines” released (1994-1995)
- Workshops: “HIV and tuberculosis” train-the-trainer workshops (1994-1995)
- Project: “Ethnocultural Communities and HIV/AIDS” (1994-1997)
- Project: “National Women and HIV/AIDS” (Phases 1&2) (1994-1997)
- Project: “Empowering Youth to Confront HIV/AIDS” (1994-present)
- Project: “Substance Use and HIV/AIDS” (1994-1999)
- Number of additional Canadians living with HIV: 2,996
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during the year: 1,812
- Project: “Understanding HIV/AIDS Clinical Trials” (1995-1996)
- CAS assisted with the production of national HIV/AIDS guidelines for emergency responders (1995-1996)
- CAS participated in a national conference on AIDS in prisons (1995-1996)
- CAS works with the Federal Government to renew its commitment to funding beyond the end of the National AIDS Strategy Phase II (1995-1997)
- National Campaign: Launch of Canada has AIDS marketing campaign (1995-1996)
- National Campaign: At the urging of its membership, CAS agrees to take on the national coordination of AIDS Walk Canada (1995-present)
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with HIV: 2,791
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during the year: 1,314
- Triple combination therapy introduced.
- Key Publication: “Make Noise! Resource on Youth and HIV/AIDS”
- Publication of “Paradigms Lost: Examining the impact of a shift from health promotion to population health on HIV/AIDS policy and programs in Canada” (1996-1997)
- Project: “Aboriginal Communities and AIDS”. A joint project with the Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (1996-1997)
- CAS launches its website
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with HIV: 2,515
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during the year: 832
- Federal Government announces that annual funding for HIV/AIDS programs will continue under the Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS.
- Project: “Management Information Systems: a project to assist community AIDS organisations with the collection, analysis and sharing of data on HIV/AIDS” (1997-1998)
- CAS participates in the Blood Commission that led to the establishment of Canadian Blood Services (1997-1998)
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with HIV: 2,339
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during the year: 743
- Key Publication: “Bright Red Hair and Sliced Bread: Models of Youth and HIV/AIDS Programs in Canada”
- 1st Canadian HIV/AIDS Skills Building Symposium held to share best practices, capacity building and networking for those working in the field of HIV/AIDS.
- Project: “Risk Reduction”. 3rd revision and expansion of the “Safer Sex Guidelines” (1998-1999)
- Project: “Computers for Members of CAS” (1998-1999)
- Key Publication: “HIV/AIDS, A Guide to Insurance Benefits” (1998-1999)
- Project: “Consultation on community needs on epidemiology and surveillance information” (1998-1999)
- Project: “Labour Force Participation” (1998-1999)
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with HIV: 2,244
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during the year: 627
- 2nd Canadian HIV/AIDS Skills Building Symposium
- Project: “Men having Sex with Men”. Brought together MSM educators and HIV researchers (1999-2000)
- Project: “Community Care AIDS Research” (1999-2001)
- Project: “Benefits Counselling” workshops offered across Canada (1999-2001)
- Project: “AIDS in the Workplace” update of resources (1999-2002)
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with HIV: 2,127
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during the year: 580
- CAS and four national partners organize 1st National Conference on Women and HIV/AIDS: the first conference in Canada held on this subject.
- Names Quilt displayed in its entirety for first time in 4 years (July 2000)
- International Project: “AIDS Network in Belarus”. CAS supports creation of Belarus AIDS Network (2000-present)
- Project: “Canadian Health Network” (2000-2002)
- Project: “Prevention Satellite” (2000-2001)
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with HIV: 2,187
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during the year: 501
- CAS founds with member organizations, the Canadian Coalition of Organizations Responding to AIDS (CCORA)
- 3rd Canadian HIV/AIDS Skills Building Symposium – held in Montreal.
- 1st Youth Institute held to highlight the special needs of HIV positive youth
- 1st National Conference on Complementary Therapies and HIV/AIDS
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with HIV: 2,504
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during the year: 528
- Publication of: Youth Tools: a resource to assist AIDS service organizations with running youth-oriented projects.
- First Canadian Harm Reduction Conference is held
- Number of additional Canadians living with HIV: 2,482
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during the year: 469
- 4th Canadian HIV/AIDS Skills Building Symposium – held for the first time in Alberta.
- Release of guide on how to create a HIV-friendly workplace.
- Cumulative total of Canadians who contracted HIV since 1979: 55,180
- Cumulative total of Canadians diagnosed with AIDS since 1979: 21,226
- Federal Government agrees to double funding for the Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS over the next 5 years from $42 million to $84 million.
- Publication: New edition of “HIV and HCV Transmission: Guidelines For Assessing Risk”
- Publication: “Disclosure of HIV status after Cuerrier: Resources for community-based resource organizations”
- Number of cases of HIV reported during 2004: 2,529
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during the year: 237
- 5th Canadian HIV/AIDS Skills Building Symposium to be held in Montreal October 27-30
- CAS launches travelling exhibit: Giving Women Power over AIDS
- Publication: “Connecting Youth with Youth: a Guide to Youth and HIV/AIDS-related Programs and Projects across Canada”
- Number of cases of HIV reported during 2005: 2,483
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during the year 2005: 279
- CAS is co-host of the International AIDS Conference held in Toronto
- CAS adopts new logo
- Number of cases of HIV reported at the end of 2006: 2,558
- Number of additional Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during the year 2006: 255
- Partnership established between CAS and Corby Distilleries
- CAS partners with the Canadian Harm Reduction Network to publish “Learning From Each Other: Enhancing Community-based Harm Reduction Programs and Practices in Canada”
- Number of cases of HIV reported during 2007: 2,432
- Number of Canadians diagnosed with AIDS during the year 2007: 238
- Scotiabank signs on as Title Sponsor of the Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life
- CAS hosts the Canadian booth at AIDS 2008 in Mexico City
- Launch of CAS’ first annual World AIDS Day Gala
- Scotiabank signs on as national Title sponsor of the AIDS Walk for Life
- CAS produces video series, focussing on relationships between patients and health care providers:
- Can We Talk?
- CAS publishes One Foot Forward: A GIPA Training Toolkit, Facilitator’s Guide
- CAS holds the 6th Canadian HIV/AIDS Skills Building Symposium
- CAS publishes HIV & Housing: Towards a national housing strategy
- CAS publishes a Kindergarten to Grade 12 HIV/AIDS curriculum resource manual for use by educators and parents, as well as students. Knowledge is our best defence: An HIV/AIDS Education Resource for Canadian Schools: Provincial Curricula Outlines, Teachers Resource
- 25th Anniversary of Canadian AIDS Society
- CAS creates More than just rolling up your sleeves:an HIV Vaccine Preparedness Toolkit
- CAS publishes Follow the condoms and needles: what previous public health interventions teach us about future deployment of an HIV Vaccine
- CAS publishes Women & HIV testing in Canada: Barriers & Recommendations as identified by service providers
- CAS publishes the Economic Cost of HIV/AIDS in Canada
- CAS publishes One Foot Forward: A GIPA Training Toolkit, Module 8: Can We Talk? Treatment and Options, A New Dialogue
- CAS publishes One Foot Forward: A GIPA Training Toolkit, Module 9: Stepping Out, Getting Involved: Integrating Youth Living with HIV
- CAS launches Mother’s Day Awareness campaign,#15minsformom
- CAS publishes two resources developed by member organization AIDS Calgary Awareness Association; African Communities Project Brief Report and Best Practices
- CAS publishes information sheets in collaboration with member organization AIDS Niagara on How to use a male condom and How to use a female condom in English, French and Spanish
- CAS publishes information sheets on HIV 101, Quick Reference: Categories for Assessing HIV Risk, Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll,HIV by the Numbers – Youth and HIV Testing Q & A
- CAS publishes One Foot Forward: A GIPA Training Toolkit, Module 10: Active, Aging and HIV+
- CAS publishes HIV Transmission: Biological Assessment of Risk
- CAS contributed to the development and publication of the National Consensus Statement on Women, Trans People and Girls and HIV Research in Canada
- CAS responds to government changes to medical marijuana regulations
- CAS supports Canadian Blood Services successful change to policy on MSM blood donations
- CAS continues to advocate for community supports as PHAC introduces changes to funding structures
- CAS continues to develop and execute a national advocacy strategy and community-based program work in:
- Depression, Anxiety and HIV
- Rural Harm Reduction Issues
- Trans communities
- Rural and Remote Needs Assessment
- Faith-based Tools
- securing continuing support for the Federal HIV initiative
- securing ongoing stable funding for 3 years
- influencing the timing of a holistic model approach and secures a seat at the table for future discussions
- CAS Publications:
- Trans Needs Assessment Report
- Trans Fact Sheets
- Rural and Remote Needs Assessment Report
- Faith-based Organizations Addressing HIV/AIDS in Canada: A National Framework
- First ever National Youth Forum of PLWHIV
- Release of Trans Toolkit
- 20th Annual Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life
- Mylan Relay for Hope cross-Canada relay to raise awareness and funds for HIV/AIDS
- World AIDS Day Gala fundraiser
- Continued funding of AIDS Strategy
- Medical Use of Cannabis webinars
- Peerology: Guide for People who use Drugs
- Annual Meeting and PLWHIV Forum held in Winnipeg
- Criminalization of HIV non-disclosure webinar online
- Launch of a re-designed and re-branded Scotiabank AIDS Walk
- Launch of a revamped CAS online portal
- HIV, Mental Health and Cannabis use
- National Testing Week goes International
- HIV Connect