Core Values

Holistic Approach

Good health encompasses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being, not merely the absence of disease. This state of well-being is an important dimension of the quality of life and a major resource for the social, economic and personal development of individuals. The guarantees of human rights and personal safety are critical to the development and maintenance of good health.


AIDS is a fatal disease of pandemic proportions and the Canadian AIDS Society and its Members are leaders in endeavours to mobilize against this epidemic in our communities. We regard it as a disability and a challenge, not a defeat.

Social Environment

HIV and AIDS cannot be defeated without addressing the causes of discrimination and social and economic inequality. These include homophobia, heterosexism, poverty, racism, sexism, discrimination based on disability, and all forms of violence and injustice. These social inequalities can only be addressed by social and political activism which must be a significant component of our movement.


Persons living with HIV and AIDS have the right to be directly involved in all decisions that affect their lives and in the organizations that serve their needs, and we have a duty to see that the resources are available and accessible for them to do so.

Community Action Principles

Guided by the Community Action Principles of CAS . . . We support the empowerment of communities and the development of organizations that address the needs of people living with and affected by HIV and AIDS.

Equal Access

Everyone must have equal access to the therapies and services that they trust will provide the most benefit to them, and this access must be free from all forms of discrimination and barriers.


The Members of the Canadian AIDS Society are autonomous and must be accountable to the communities they serve. Furthermore we welcome the diversity of those involved in the movement and respect the contributions they bring to our work.


We draw upon the strength and experience of the past and are inspired by the courage and humour of those who went before us.

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